You are here: SMART > Using SMART Checking the Raw Data 

Checking the Raw Data

To check the raw data used for smart simulation you can click on the binocular icon next to Detailed Data in the Select the Report View screen.

You will be displyaed the entire data set. 


The dataset includes the following information:

Column Heading



Tariff line code


is the 6-digit HS code;



is the name of actives partners (exporters) for the considered product. The list of partners always starts with World which is an aggregate automatically created by SMART.

Trade Value


is the bilateral import value for the considered product from each partner (in $ ‘000);

Applied duty


is the effectively applied tariff faced by a given partner for the considered product entering the market. It is the MFN applied tariff unless another tariff (preferential in most cases) is recorded for the considered product-partner combination.

Bound Duty


is the bound tariff value if any;

New Duty Rate


is the new effectively applied tariff when a scenario is implemented. Otherwise, it replicates the initial Applied duty value;



  • Supply Elasticity: is the export supply elasticity value. By default, SMART uses 99 for infinite elasticity for all products and partners.
  • Substitution elasticity: is the substitution elasticity value between partners. SMART uses 1.5 as the default value.
  • Import Demand Elasticity: values used by default in SMART are the same for all reporters but may vary by product. The current set includes over 100 distinct values that can be changed but the elasticity value is unique for a given product (import demand elasticity is irrespective of the partner). In the example above, both products (540110 and 540120) use the same value (1.47…)


Next: Report on Trade Creation


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The World Bank, 2010